Lancaster County has the richest non-irrigated soil in the country, so we grow a lot of food. But I suspect the farmers here have some fun when they plant pumpkins – I have never seen so many different varieties. So, if you think they have to be orange, come with me today as I visit with Luke Martin, owner of Red Barn Produce, just north of Terre Hill on Route 625. He was happy to share his knowledge. The Jarrahdale are the pale green striped, the Buckskin are taller and butterscotch colored, Fairytale are the squat ribbed ones that look like they are bursting with pride and are almost brownish-green, Cinderella are low and wide and so orange they are nearly red, One Too Many are the red and white striped, Red Warty Thing and the Peanut Pumpkins look like they’ve been attacked by warts and peanuts.. several of the Iron Man weighed in over 100 lbs. Of course you probably know the Hubbards, Turkish Turbins, the Mystic, New Moon and Full Moon, and Jack-be-Littles. There were also Gladiators, Wolfs and World of Color, but to be honest, I can’t remember what they are! See how many you can pick out in these pictures…
But you better hurry – as you can see people are pretty serious about their selections. And that’s just the pumpkins….we haven’t even started talking about the gourds…Be sure and tell Luke we sent you!