Whether it’s Fairytale, Cinderella, One Too Many or the plain old Jack-o-Lantern, Lancaster Countyis covered in pumpkins. I recently visited two of my favorite farms to share some pictures with you. They are right around the corner from The Artist’s Inn.

As the summer landscape gives way to cooler weather, there’s no loss of color – from mums and asters of every color to the vast array of pumpkins that seem to float in fields around every turn. Gourds of every size and shape decorate front porches, and roadside stands boast huge boulder-sized pumpkins of every shade of orange. They seem to exist just to make us happy.
If you are lucky, you’ll take the time to explore some new varieties….and choose some to take home – they make great souvenirs! But you’d better hurry – the heavy fall rains have left many pumpkins rotting in the field. Be sure to store them out of the weather so they’ll last longer.
We admit it – we AREpumpkin crazy.
Look closely at the pumpkin on the left. Luke carved the words in it when it was young, and as it grew, so did the welcome! Of course, no fall decorations would be complete without including our own Cat in the Hat. As you can see by his smile, he likes pumpkins too!
But my favorite pumpkin this year is one that no one can explain. It has no name and grew in the middle of the gourd patch, looking a bit like a giant candy corn.
For more about pumpkins and gourds, read out other blogs on this subject: Lancaster County – The Land of Pumpkins!, Pumpkinology, and Gourd-o-Mania!