Mary asked us this question as she led the way through her kitchen, dining room, then past the sewing machines where she was making aprons, and into a long room at the back of the house.
Here were tables laden with cooking utensils, a round clothespin contraption, plates….even a propane lamp/table. These, she explained, were her daughter’s gifts from her wedding in November. It was now late January and her daughter and new husband were still living at Mary’s, waiting to set up house when they move in the spring.
As we walked toward the rear of the room, the groom’s corner was even more interesting, boasting lots of tools and a great-looking grill. Some of these were given the day of the wedding; other gifts had been “collected” as the happy couple traveled to their friends and relatives for dinner visits.
As we drove home from Mary’s house, chomping on home-made potato chips, I realized that in all the years that I’ve lived here and heard about Amish weddings, I’d never before seen a room full of their presents!
Our thanks to Dr. Charles Carroll, a recent guest, who snapped the picture below.