The first job was to tear down the part of the tree that we couldn’t use. We called Jerry Ink in Terre Hill (717-445-7577)– he does a terrific job of putting the limbs down exactly where he wants them.
It is quite a show to watch him work – climbing all over the tree. In fact, the event drew a few spectators.
Unfortunately, we discovered that the tree, although healthy at the top, was rotted from the base up to 6 ft. – which is the part that Dean would need to carve. So Dean took what he could use for other projects and we went home disappointed. The rest of the tree was ground up for mulch. As you may know, cedar makes great mulch, because it doesn’t attract insects and smells nice when warmed by the sun.
Dean offered to carve a felled Red Cedar tree for us that had been drying at his house for two years. We agreed.
Thank you, Dean, for doing such a great job. We love it so much that we were inspired to write:
Come and meet our newest cat,
He’s six feet tall and wears a hat,
He does not shed or use his claws,
He stands and smiles with two gloved paws.
He’ll gladly pose for photographs,
To show your friends and share some laughs.